Last year I spent a month of summer sugar-free. It wasn't my first attempt, I've spent the last 7 years on one elimination diet or another in attempts to take better control of my health and the auto-immune and inflammation symptoms my body's been displaying. I've been gluten-free for those 7 years, dairy-free off and on for 30+ years, and even meat free for a portion of my life as well.
So I know that cutting out foods is never easy, and for each of us, there's always one vice that's the hardest. Dairy, wheat, starches, sugar, alcohol, salt, it doesn't matter; if it's our crutch, eliminating it feels like we're depriving ourselves of the pleasures of life. And if we're truly addicted to it, we can even get a little mental when we cut it out.
For me, that strongest vice is sugar. So I've spent the last week preparing for the next 30 days so I can have the highest success possible. I've been collecting recipes and motivating infographics, reading about the harm sugar causes (right), and psyching myself up for the detox. Yes, I'm excited for the detox. Because after the last month of cookies, maple-chocolate granola, Frango mints, bagels and cream cheese... I feel like shit. I'm tired, inflamed, uninspired, achy, lazy, and a little depressed. And I'm ready to let all of that go. I'm guessing the holidays have had a similar influence on you.
I invite you to join me. Our Juice Plus family is launching a Transform 30 group tomorrow - where we embark on the One Simple Change plan to guide our bodies back to optimum health with whole food nutrition, good habits, and support each other to do so. Email me to learn more about "T30" and get started.
Whether you want to wean yourself from sugar, gluten, dairy, meat, snacking or something else, or whether you want to create better habits - exercise more, drink more water, sleep longer, or start meditating, this group is a great resource and we have a private Facebook page for it where our team of coaches will be posting.
Follow this blog (sign up for it to the left) to get updates on my journey. Thank you for holding me accountable to this #OneSimpleChange!
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