If there's one thing that people on restrictive diets complain about, it's attending public functions and being able to eat holistically. And the reverse goes the same- when someone I know is hosting a party I'm attending, they're always worried about how they can feed me. Here are some things to think about if you're either person, struggling with hosting or attending a public function. Whether you're the dieter or the host, your tummy and your friends' tummies will thank you for taking a moment to include these few tips. For the Dieter: Be honest: Tell it like it is. Don't be ashamed of your special needs, but don't be a pest about it either. If they ask, let them know what you can't eat, and if they don't ask, kindly suggest some of the options below. Whether your reason is weight, medical, or just a life choice, everyone is different, and it's ok to state your differences. Be proactive: Always travel with something. ...
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