As you know from many blog posts about it , I am ecstatic about henna and what it's done for me, in order of importance: the overall health of my hair and scalp, the all-natural solution, the compliments-attracting color, the independence, the low cost... so of course, for all those reasons I am forever talking it up to my girlfriends - whether they already dye their hair or not, but especially if they do. So far I have three friends who have gone with henna after my encouragement and all of them have gorgeous, lustrous, vibrant hair of various colors now! To continue to add validity to this topic, here's the story from the latest convert: (Thanks Alicia for sharing!!) My henna experience…. Alicia Wright of Bella Sol Spa I have to say first and foremost, I love henna! At first, I was nervous about my hair turning red, and I was not ready to take the plunge. The grey hair that crept up on my head as my roots grew out had me frantic about solutions. Not ha...
Finding solutions to make your life easier.