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Showing posts with the label rash

Natural Remedies for Poison Ivy, and lessons learned

Getting back to this blog, after a couple years off... because I didn't have the bandwidth while we were building our house, but between living off grid, and a long year of herbalism training, I have some good MacGuyver tips and home remedy lessons to share!   The first of which is what I've learned from "sister" (poison) ivy / oak / sumac for you: I was exposed to either poison ivy or oak before leaving town last week -- not sure which because we have both, and the rash from both looks the same because it comes from the Urushiol oil from the plants. I didn't realize the rash wasn't a bug bite until I was gone. Mistake #1: check yourself carefully after making fairy gardens in the woods. I didn't have my primary remedy - jewelweed salve - with me, sadly, mistake #2, but did have rhus tox homeopathy (poison ivy), which I started taking immediately and frequently. The homeopathy doesn't help the rash much, just your body's reaction. If you don'...