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Elven Idea Factory #3 - Bath n Body

Chocolate Lavender Bathtub Cookies
This year one of my new gifts is a chocolate bath cookie that my dear friend Heather at Aroma Pharmica posted last year, and was reposted on one of my BlogHer peers, Mom Most Traveled. Talk about making the bathtub a heaven on earth, this cookies are almost good enough to eat!

Chocolate Lavender Bathtub Cookies

  • 2 oz. Cocoa Butter
  • 2 oz. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 cup Oatmeal, FineYour browser may not support display of this image.
  • 1/4 cup Whole Milk Powder
  • 1/4 cup Hot Chocolate Mix
  • 3/4 cup Epsom Salt
  • 1 cup Cornstarch
  • 1 cup Baking Soda
  • 1/2 cup Citric Acid
  • 1 tsp. Lavender Essential Oil


    Warm the cocoa butter and olive oil in a hot water bath until completely melted. Remove the Cocoa Butter and Oil from the heat, allowing it to cool slightly, but not to harden. Next, line a small baking sheet with waxed paper and set it to the side. In a medium sized mixing bowl, combine the Oatmeal, Whole Milk Powder, Hot Chocolate Mix, Cornstarch, and Epsom Salt. Stir the ingredients well, making sure to break up any clumps in the powders. You may want to grind the oatmeal in a blender or food processor to achieve a fine consistency. In a second mixing bowl, combine the Baking Soda and Citric Acid. Again, make sure to work out any clumps in the mixture. Next, combine the two bowls of dry ingredients and mix well. Add the Lavender Essential Oil to the melted Cocoa Butter and Extra Virgin Olive Oil then pour the liquid mixture into the dry ingredients. Begin stirring and kneading the mixture immediately. You must work quickly at this point to get the cookies formed and placed onto the baking sheet. Using your hands, form tablespoon sized balls of the mixture. Place the balls onto the baking sheet then press them down gently, flattening the top. They should be similar in shape to a gingersnap or sugar cookie. Continue shaping cookies with the remaining mixture. Allow the cookies to harden for a full 24 hours before attempting to remove them from the baking sheet. After 24 hours the cookies should be hard enough to be handled and packaged.

Usage & Packaging

    Chocolate Lavender Bath Cookies should be stored in a tightly sealed bag or container. Moisture or humidity can cause the cookies to fizz or “flower” prematurely. These cookies look adorable in Cello Bags or 1/2 lb. Tin Tie Bags. To use the Cookies, simply drop one or two into a warm bath. They will fizz and bubble, filling the bath with the delightful aroma of Lavender and Chocolate.
    Heather A. Howell teaches classes such as ‘Facials from the Frig” and other aromatherapy classes from her studio in Charleston, SC. She is also the Chief Organic Skincare Formulator and Aromatherapist for Aroma Pharmica. Visit the website for most nature inspired skincare.

For more Bath and Body present ideas see these two posts: Facial Toner and Clay Scrub


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