1. Irish Cream Liqueur (Bailey's) - This makes #1 because it takes the longest to make but is worth the wait. Like a tincture (herbs distilling in alcohol over 3-4 weeks), this creamy and chocolaty gift makes your friends lick their lips at the thought of it. This is an old recipe I've been making since I was in my twenties, and no matter what age group I make it for, it's a hit. The sweet-toothed elves like this one best as well.
Makes about, keeps at least 1 month, and takes 3 weeks to make.
750 ml Irish Whiskey
12 oz milk chocolate
28 oz condensed milk
24 oz evaporated milk
2.5 cups heavy cream
1/4 teaspoon instant coffee granules
Pour 1 oz whiskey and condensed milk into small double broiler, add chocolate and melt, stirring constantly until smooth. Stir in coffee granules and let heat for one minute, then add evaporated milk, stirring constantly, and remove from heat. Stir in cream and the rest of the whiskey.
2. Salsa - Been there, Done That - one of my favorite holiday gifts, my salsa is usually made around August or September, and is therefore the easiest to holiday gift for me to pull off. But it's no simple task in the beginning, and I usually spend two weekends making several batches from the early harvests of peppers, tomatoes, and garlic. Look for that recipe in this previous post.
3. Biscotti - The easiest to make, this biscotti recipe comes from the Joy of Cooking and impresses everyone. Great for the holidays when more people drink coffee or tea to keep up with the pace, I usually make several different kinds to satisfy all tastes. This recipe isn't Gluten Free.

3 cups flour
2.5 teaspoons baking powder
.5 teaspoons salt
Beat separately:
.25 cup corn oil
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
2 egg whites
1 teaspoon lemon zest
.5 teaspoon orange zest
1 teaspoon almond extract
1 teaspoon vanilla
Gradually combine and blend to smooth. Shape dough into 2 smooth 11 x 2 inch logs with lightly floured hands, lay on greased cookie sheet and flatted to 1.5" tall.
Sprinkle with coloring, drizzle with chocolate, or crumble nuts for toppings. Can also leave plain.
Bake for 25 minutes, let cool 2-4 minutes, transfer baked logs to cutting board, and slice diagonally in 3/8" slices. Return to oven and bake 10 more minutes, turn slices over, and bake 5 minutes more. Cool on rack.
There are more great recipes for dipped and flavored biscotti at Biscotti Zone, a personal favorite.
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