Having been off coffee since going on the SCD diet, and boosting my existing Scotch-Irish-induced adoration for tea, I've found a new favorite: the naturally sweet and nutty Kukicha tea, also known as bancha twig tea or winter tea (how perfect). Kukicha comes from the tea
tree Camellia sinensis, just as it is the case with green tea, white tea and
black tea and is made from roasted and aged twigs, stems and
coarse leaves of the tea plant.
I was introduced to Kukicha at my last Tea Party by my Ayurvedic Practitioner for cleansing and healing my liver ~ but the benefits of kukicha tea are numerous, it is an important part of the macrobiotic diet (truly taken from Ayurvedic tradition) and it is considered to lead to stable health and longevity. Sold!
Kukicha tea's benefits come from its alkalizing properties and is good for the prevention of numerous diseases by balancing our levels of acidity. Here's where the SCD diet comes in: diets containing white flour, sugars, dairy products, eggs and meat, raise the body’s acidity and eventually results in fatigue, premature aging, weakened immune system, heart, kidney or bladder conditions, problems with weight, joints and bones. So while cleansing these from your system, Kukicha is a natural and easy remedy for easing the process. Also extra good in the winter and flu months, Kukicha combats virus-induced colds and influenza. Sounds like a winner.
What I like about it is that I don't have to add much (somedays any) milk or honey to my "cuppa," it's naturally sweet taste reminds me of a powdered dandelion "instant coffee" I've been trying to find since living in Scotland in 1997. When medicine tastes like this, it's easy to take daily.
Kukicha is abundant in a variety of minerals, vitamins, and flavonoids, is anti-cancerous, discourages the growth of tumors, promotes digestion and cleans the body of toxins due to its high content of tannin, which can even free the body from nicotine and radioactivity which is why it is recommended to people who take many medications.
Kukicha also regulates the levels of blood sugar, while by lowering high blood pressure, so it prevents strokes and heart disease, and also promote weight loss as well as slows down the aging process.
Not only good for those flushing their system on the SCD diet, Kukicha is a great tasting tea to add to your daily routine to stay healthy and clean out the daily toxins we ingest and assume from our modern environments.
Siting: http://ic.steadyhealth.com/health_benefits_of_kukicha_tea.html
I was introduced to Kukicha at my last Tea Party by my Ayurvedic Practitioner for cleansing and healing my liver ~ but the benefits of kukicha tea are numerous, it is an important part of the macrobiotic diet (truly taken from Ayurvedic tradition) and it is considered to lead to stable health and longevity. Sold!
Kukicha tea's benefits come from its alkalizing properties and is good for the prevention of numerous diseases by balancing our levels of acidity. Here's where the SCD diet comes in: diets containing white flour, sugars, dairy products, eggs and meat, raise the body’s acidity and eventually results in fatigue, premature aging, weakened immune system, heart, kidney or bladder conditions, problems with weight, joints and bones. So while cleansing these from your system, Kukicha is a natural and easy remedy for easing the process. Also extra good in the winter and flu months, Kukicha combats virus-induced colds and influenza. Sounds like a winner.
What I like about it is that I don't have to add much (somedays any) milk or honey to my "cuppa," it's naturally sweet taste reminds me of a powdered dandelion "instant coffee" I've been trying to find since living in Scotland in 1997. When medicine tastes like this, it's easy to take daily.
Kukicha is abundant in a variety of minerals, vitamins, and flavonoids, is anti-cancerous, discourages the growth of tumors, promotes digestion and cleans the body of toxins due to its high content of tannin, which can even free the body from nicotine and radioactivity which is why it is recommended to people who take many medications.
Kukicha also regulates the levels of blood sugar, while by lowering high blood pressure, so it prevents strokes and heart disease, and also promote weight loss as well as slows down the aging process.
Not only good for those flushing their system on the SCD diet, Kukicha is a great tasting tea to add to your daily routine to stay healthy and clean out the daily toxins we ingest and assume from our modern environments.
Siting: http://ic.steadyhealth.com/health_benefits_of_kukicha_tea.html
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