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The favorite shoot...

A lot of people ask me what I like to shoot best.  I'll be first to admit, I'm a super lucky girl when it comes to photography (among many things in my life) - I grew up behind the lens on that super-tough stuff called film in the darkroom, I studied under an Ansel Adams long-time apprentice, and under several other great teachers, too. I have a degree in Visual Arts, and one more for good measure in Travel Photography. I'm well traveled.  And to me, what this all means the most is practice.  And practice always leads somewhere. I've been published, awarded, and covered.  I'm the volunteer Event Photographer for STARS, and as Marketing Director for YVSC I get to shoot all our events too. And on the side, I shoot for a little extra business here and there... a wedding a year, some headshots, some homes, some pets, some food, and random fun calls for things like engagement shoots or new skis, or an occasional instructional session... and I truly do love all of it.  So it's hard to choose, and my answer usually just depends on my mood. If it's a nice day outside, I'll probably say "nature," but if it's snowing, "my favorite monoskier."  If we're on the road, "travel," but if I'm having tea with a girlfriend, "food."

Mostly though you can tell what someone loves shooting best because their pictures in that category are just that much better. The love pours into the lens, and out onto the paper (or screen).  Ansel Adams is a prime example; his answer would surely be "nature." Or "Montana."  So for those who ask because they are aspiring to become a professional photographer, my one suggestion is find what you love and do that. Don't shoot weddings because they make good money. Don't be a photo journalist because you need validation. Shoot what you love and the money will follow.

And most of those same people ask me if I could I do it full time (or more ask, should they)? Well I've never tried, so I couldn't recommend it or not, but I like so many other things that I think I wouldn't like being behind the lens 25+ hours a week (and editing for twice more).  But they say you don't know until you've tried.  For me, so much of my photographic success is having the freedom to, or not to, and that has always been important to me; not shooting under deadline or with a specific "money shot" hanging in the balance. But for you, that might actually motivate you, you might rise to the pressure.  So again, shoot what you love and practice practice practice and the rest - money shots and all - will follow.

But if I must... what bubbles to the top for me though... food, families, and fun!

Created with flickr slideshow.

Created with flickr slideshow.

Created with flickr slideshow.


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