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Spirit Guides

I'm going to go out on a limb on this one, proving my lunacy to some I'm sure. But since 1995 I have worked with my lead guide, guardian angel, spiritual master, whatever you chose to call them, and have a list of miracles and fascinations as a result. Fifteen years with this man I call Merlin; he has guided me from studying crystals to teaching classes, through courses in energy work and healing, and in creating meditations, journeys and quests for myself and others. He calls me "my child," and our sacred place is atop a lone butte with miles of views in every direction and with a cave that houses our talks on the rainier days, which has two nice "sky chairs" hanging in the protected entrance.

But how did I come to find Merlin? That summer in Oregon I took two classes from Sarah Felez, a woman I found at the Saturday market whom I now call my first spiritual teacher. The first class was in "Basic Assumptions," where we learned about our soul path, in a sense; based on 2-3 trigger words that come from the earliest childhood memories, we discovered negative and positive attributes on a very base level.

The second class was on channeling, what they called working with guides back then, that I feel still has negative, ouigi board connotations to it. What Sarah was doing WAS channeling, and an extra terrestrial spoke to us through her at the beginning of every class. But as beginners, what we were learning was how to speak with our minds to the other realm.

This is the hard part of working with spirit guides. Many doubt that voice they hear is anything other than their own. But many, such as those who work with their spiritual leaders often (Buddha, Jesus), know that this is basically a form a prayer, only it's not so one-sided.

I often hear people say they can't talk to God, or he doesn't listen, or he doesn't reply. Most of us know that's untrue, but perhaps we've forgotten it. God, and his spiritual team, is always there for us, 24/7, we just have to learn to listen. That's a problem here in the Earth realm, listening to each other, so why wouldn't it carry over to other dimensions for us? God never ignores you in your dreams, why would he in reality? We've just forgotten how to use our ears.

This, and belief, is the key. We've lost our connection to "the source" as Wayne Dyer calls it, but when we're in "the zone," creating art, living in nature, or in meditation, it's easy to get back there when we try.

At first I was in disbelief. Yeah right Merlin the magician, I said. But his patience is far greater than mine, and when he spoke the words I am your Gatekeeper once to me, it sunk in so deep that my arms tickled and I began to cry. Now, for me, those tears, even just one, means I am connected to source. For you, it's likely to be an entirely different experience.

Since then I have worked with many more of my guides, who tell me we all have a team of spirits helping us, and that some of us share spirits, and some of us will become them after death. They all love me unconditionally, laugh with me often, lift me up when I'm down, and bring in anything within reason when I ask for it.

It would be lonely without this team, and I think of all the people out there who do not have contact yet with theirs and hope this post helps you see this topic in a different light, without judgment, and with hope.

Today, I will let them write to you about how one gets started working with their guides:

1. be open to it. trust us. listen for us. we're here.

2. let the names come, don't force them. ask our names and then believe what you hear. if something doesn't up immediately, remove the judgment, breathe, and ask again. perhaps tomorrow.

3. we are here to work WITH you, not for you. if you ask logical questions, with love in your heart, we will answer. if you have anything other than love in your heart, you will not hear us. although we are still here.

4. sometimes you will break from us for long periods of time to you. we are not in the same time continuum as you, so do not apologize if you make contact, and then let go for a year. we are still here. in this same sense, you can not ask us "show me a sign before Monday of next week," as we only work in NOW, and show things when you are ready.

5. we love to help you work with animals, plants, minerals, and other natural things. ask for our help in working on these topics first, and remember to listen for the answer.

6. if you still do not believe, ask for a sign, we will bring you one.

7. we are here to make sure your are protected, but we are not here to change the course you have already set for yourself. your lessons are your own, and if they seem hard to you, call for help, but don't expect us to cure, heal, eliminate, or reverse anything that you have chosen for yourself.

8. some of us are made of light and don't have human form, we are lightbeings, and you will not see us with your physical eyes, but we talk just as loudly as everyone else.

9. sometimes we are people you know, from this lifetime or previous ones, and the familiarity in our voice might startle you. know that we are only here to help you, and are of the highest light. if your instinct tells you otherwise, ask for a higher guide, like when you ask for the manager. often times we are a leader, a color, or a name that has been following you around for quite some time. our presense whould come easily to you once you open up to the idea.

10. no matter what religion you celebrate, if any, on Earth, we support you, and will always "send" you the right guide if you ask. if you do not ask, you can not receive. similarly, if you do not give, you can not receive.

11. it is easier to connect to us in higher altitudes (on a plane or mountain top), higher vibration locations (church, sacred monuments, and creative centers), in the woods, and always in a peaceful, undistrubed place. the first question to start with should be "is anyone there?" or "what is your name" or "do i have guides?" if you hear a yes in the back of your head, somewhere near your spinal column, potentially not in language but in feeling or vision for some, that is us.

12. similarly, it is detrimental to talk to spirit in lower vibrations, as you might catch the attention of a lower entitity. these are few and far between and quite logical, so you would likely not do this, but it's worth mention so that you know. places selling alcohol and encouraging "escapement," funeral homes and graveyards, hospitals and places of incarceration - legal or mental.

Our final words ~ Thank you for taking this post as seriously as you can, but never to take yourself too seriously.

For more about what I do with this realm, see, and click on "Meditations" for some help with getting "in the zone."


  1. Incredible and timely post! Thank you for sharing and opening the "eyes" of the world.


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