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Summer Solstice Ideas

Summer Solstice (6/21, Sunday) is the longest day of the year, when the Earth's axis is most inclined towards the Sun, and marks the first day of the Summer season, and the day the Sun goes into the sign of Cancer. Solstice celebrations date back to ancient times, from the Druid's Alban Heruin's crop-ripening rituals to Native American's celebrations of the sun.

Start your day by getting up before the sun rise and watch the colors ripen, visualizing your world to do the same as you manifest abundance, success, and security from this day forw

This Solstice day is also a new moon... a good day for new beginnings, planting new seeds, and starting new projects. Transplant your starters if you haven't already, and give your garden some general love by wedding, tilling, mulching, or spreading compost out for your plants on this day.

For those of you with long hair, the new moon is also a great day to cut your hair because when the moon ebbs, roots turn inward, as does the energy of the stalk. Same goes with transplanting on this day... both activities encourage strong growth from the roots.

General rituals on this day are good for success, happiness, strength, identity, wealth, fertility, adolescents and young adults, career and travel. Get up with the sun, pick some herbs, light candles, burn orange or other sunny essential oils or incense, and bring bright flowers into the home to help boost your energy, motivation, and longevity for the coming months.

Sunday I'm taking a set of girls into the woods for a ladies' hike, and we'll be doing a mediation on planting the seed of manifestation and intention. I hope you join in by doing something special for yourself too! Make this day a special day for yourself by rejuvenating your powerful goddess (or god) energy under this intense sun; she won't be this strong for another 365 days, use it!

Sunrise, Steamboat, December 21 Winter Solstice, 7:24 am
The sun will rise on Sunday at 4:46 am


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