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Healthy Living 4 of 4: Use the Experts

In previous posts in this series I've highlighted finding healthy options for on your body, in your body, and in your environment, but I realize this is barely scratching the surface of Healthy Living and want to offer up some additional ideas from the factory for follow-through to keep you on the healthy path!

Firt, your body knows best. It really does, believe it or not. It's just a matter of whether you can hear it or not! Find the best method for you (meditation, prayer, guru) to get in touch with your higher self and do it sooner than later. This will go a long way for both physical and mental health, security of self, intuition, etc. And when your body begins to speak to you, listen wisely to all the nuances you once ignored. What gives you energy? What gives you peace? What makes you happy? What makes you angry?

Second, don't just rely on Western Medicine. While this medical philosophy is great for cutting cancerous moles off your skin, fixing broken femurs, and testing your blood for allergies, Western Medicine is not the end-all to optimum health, and I hope that's not news to you. Find a Naturopathic Doctor, Acupuncturist, Herbalist, Aromatherapist, Nutritionist, Yogi, or Ayurvedic Doctor (or all of the above as I do) to help wean yourself off some or all medications and unhealthy solutions to simple physical and mental problems like sleep disorder, IBS, depression or anger.

What holistic doctors offer is a comprehensive look at your overall body and mind, your whole-health, your history, your body's signals, and bringing you back into balance. In my personal experience, western doctors don't have the training or take the time to look at your health history as it pertains to each health issue you have, nor do they read your body's signals with intuitiveness or healthy solutions. That's not to say there aren't any good doctors out there who care about your overall health. Combining the two is the best of both worlds. My comments purely reflect upon our system, and this post is meant to continue to give you the incentive to look out for yourself, as you, an no one else, will do best.

Some methods are more tried and true than others, but don't let your ego rule out anything, and work at shifting your consciousness when it comes to alternatives. Ayurvedic Medicine= circa 4000 BC. Acupuncture= circa 200 BC. Aromatherapy= excellent results for animals and kids. Naturopathic Doctors= legal licensing in 15 states and climbing, applies to diagnosing illness.

And last, read, read, read!
What's on my shelf? Rosemary Gladstar. Jeanne Rose. Gill Hale. Deepak Chopra. Wayne Dyer. Elizabeth Gilbert. Stephen Gascoigne. Doreen Virtue. Mary Lambert. Louise Hay. Diane Stein.


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